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By Adam Elmasri

How did Christianity begin, REALLY?

An academic study (in Arabic)

Adam Elmasri navigates his transformative journey from a traditional Christian upbringing to a secular worldview. Through meticulous academic research, he challenges the untold narratives of Christian history and doctrine. Elmasri's profound insights unravel during his scholarly exploration of the Bible and early Christian history, leading to a compelling shift in his spiritual convictions. This book doesn't aim to confront belief but invites readers on an enlightening historical inquiry, revealing how Christianity evolved as a distinct entity from its Judaic roots.

How did Christianity begin... Really? - Author Adam Elmasri

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Reborn in Resilience

A Biography

In this book, Adam Elmasri recounts his profound journey, transitioning from a traditional Coptic background in Egypt's Muslim-majority landscape to embracing a non-religious perspective. He narrates the challenges of minority life and the pivotal moments that prompted deep questioning of his inherited beliefs. Elmasri's story is one of struggle, enlightenment, identity, and personal liberation, rooted in a transformative embrace of secular humanism amidst a backdrop of religious tradition.

By Adam Elmasri

Born in Resilience - a book by Adam Elmasri

To be realeased in 2024...

Featuring: Adam Elmasri

The Book of Amazing People

A chapter about Adam Elmasri

The Book of Amazing People is a groundbreaking project that honors and showcases individual success and achievement. In the chapters of this book you will read inspiring and motivating real-life stories of ordinary people making their lives truly extraordinary.

By reading this book you will have an insight into what success means to you and how to achieve it.

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The Book Of Amazing People - Featuring Adam Elmasri

Egypt's Sam Harris; Adam Elmasri

An article published on New York Weekly

As religion, society, and personal freedom intersect, human rights activist, author, and content creator Adam Elmasri stands with critical thought and advocacy. Born and raised in Egypt, Elmasri’s journey from an orthodox Coptic Christian upbringing to a secular, crucial standpoint on religion places him at a unique vantage point in the discourse on religious freedom and human rights in the Middle East. 

Elmasri’s Egyptian heritage and fluency in Arabic afford him a distinctive perspective, especially in his religious criticisms, broadening his understanding of religion, culture, and people. Drawing inspiration from the globally renowned figure in freethought and critical thinking, Sam Harris, Elmasri is pivotal in heralding a new era of intellectual exploration...

Featuring: Adam Elmasri

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Adam Elmasri's critical thinking

An article published on CEO Weekly

Adam Elmasri’s narrative is one of transformation and enlightenment. His fusion of academic rigor, personal experience, and compassionate advocacy introduces a fresh perspective to a world often bound by traditional views.

As Elmasri states, “The essence of critical thinking is to build a world where diverse thoughts and beliefs can coexist in harmony.” His work lights the way towards a more inclusive and understanding world through critical engagement.

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Featuring: Adam Elmasri

Adam Elmasri on CEO Weekly

Bridging Cultures

An article published on The Ritz Herald

“My work is about giving voice to the voiceless, challenging harmful beliefs, and above all, empowering people to choose and reshape their identity,” Elmasri states. In the Middle East, his mission is especially crucial, given the often-restrictive societal norms impacting the LGBTQ+ community and women.

Elmasri not only critiques but also works towards building connections and promoting understanding. Through his content creation and speaking engagements, he has cultivated a cross-cultural dialogue that transcends regional boundaries, reaching audiences worldwide.

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Featuring: Adam Elmasri

Adam Elmasri on The Ritz Herald

Featuring: Adam Elmasri

Arab Non-believers and Freethinkers

An academic paper - University of Kiel

This article uses the increasing visibility of Arab non-believers in the virtual public sphere as an opportunity to re-examine the key issues and dividing lines between believers, sceptics, and non-believers in Arab societies. It analyzes the currently four most popular Arabic-language YouTube channels created by freethinkers, nonbelievers, and atheists and points out commonalities and differences in style, content, and message.

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Freethinker Adam Elmasri - academic paper

By Adam Elmasri

Understanding Religious Trauma

An article by Adam Elmasri on the Life Coach Magazine

Religious Trauma Syndrome, or RTS, often manifests when individuals are surrounded by a tightly-knit community of like-minded believers who perceive their religious path as the sole truth while branding those outside the religion as misguided or even evil. Deliberate efforts are made to maintain distance and separation from mainstream society and its traditions... more>

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Religious Trauma Syndrome article by Adam Elmasri - The Life Coach Magazine

Featuring: Adam Elmasri

You are not alone

An article on Programmer Insider

In the chaos of maximum followers and views, Adam Elmasri is a Youtuber far from this mayhem and race. His sole reason for running a YouTube channel is to help others and uplift them personally and professionally... more>

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Adam Elmasri on Programming Insider

Toxic Positivity in Religion

An article on Verna Magazine

Adam Elmasri, residing in Australia while entrenching his roots in Egypt, practices religious trauma counseling along with contributing as a life coach, human rights activist and content creator. He identified the gap in Arabic resources to support the existence and purpose of religious academic study... more>

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Featuring: Adam Elmasri

Adam Elmasri on Verna Magazine
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